Happy Belated Birthday, Mom! (I am not a terrible daughter, by the way. I did call her, email her and send her a birthday card!)
I know several daughters say this, but my mom really is my best friend. My day isn't complete if I don't talk to her on the phone at least once a day. Usually when I call her she is out shopping (what a hard life she lives) or painting either a room in the house, my dad's office or a beautiful landscape on a canvas. My mom is an incredible artist, which unfortunately did not get passed down to me. (In fact, my brother got the artistic gene, but that is ok...I got the good looks and brains.) I had to steal this from Facebook, but here is a sketch my mom did back in the day....

I consider myself very lucky to have such a wonderful relationship with my mom. Jeff has been telling me recently that I am acting more and more like her, and while at first I wasn't sure how I felt about that, I am proud to be my mother's daughter.
Mom, I love you and always look forward to our phone chats!