Thursday, July 8, 2010

Better Late Than Never

So, in the midst of my first week at work and blogging hiatus, my mom turned 60 (uh, I mean 45). I always intended on devoting a post to her - I just didn't think it would be over a week later. But I guess better late than never, so....

Happy Belated Birthday, Mom! (I am not a terrible daughter, by the way. I did call her, email her and send her a birthday card!)

I know several daughters say this, but my mom really is my best friend. My day isn't complete if I don't talk to her on the phone at least once a day. Usually when I call her she is out shopping (what a hard life she lives) or painting either a room in the house, my dad's office or a beautiful landscape on a canvas. My mom is an incredible artist, which unfortunately did not get passed down to me. (In fact, my brother got the artistic gene, but that is ok...I got the good looks and brains.) I had to steal this from Facebook, but here is a sketch my mom did back in the day....
Amazing, right? I will work on getting photos of some of the paintings she has done recently. She has been bragging about my blog, so it is only fair I brag about her art.

I consider myself very lucky to have such a wonderful relationship with my mom. Jeff has been telling me recently that I am acting more and more like her, and while at first I wasn't sure how I felt about that, I am proud to be my mother's daughter.

Mom, I love you and always look forward to our phone chats!
I guess we pose alike....

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

An Affinity For Afrin

Hi. My name is Robin, and I am addicted to Afrin.

Ok, so I am not really addicted, but there have been several incidents where I have depended on the nasal spray to get me through the night. My in-laws introduced me to the stuffy nose eliminator a few years ago, and since then it has been a tumultuous love affair.

I have terrible allergies, but two squirts of this stuff clears me right up. I have even started using Afrin for preventative measures. If I think I am going to have trouble breathing through my nose at night, I will squirt up.

While Afrin has been so good to me, it has also created some problems that extend beyond the dependency issues. My nostrils are so dry, and sometimes that leads to the occassional nose bleed. This is probably a sign that I should be following the directions on the back label. Oh well, I am happy (that is until my nose falls off) to trade a dry nose for a night of uninterrupted sleep.

After all, now that I am a working girl again I need my beauty sleep more than ever!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Stay Tuned....

I am sorry I have been such a terrible blogger lately....

I promise to be back very soon!