Today my dad turns the big 6-0! And with Father's Day just around the corner, I decided to kill two birds with one stone and devote this entire post to him. He is, after all, a big reason for my affinity to wine. So, here is what I have learned from my dear father throughout the years...
- I learned why I have so many freckles. With his wise words, he told me, "You’re so full of shit, you’ve got it coming out of your pores!"
- I learned to brush my hair, or else I would have had to endure the dreaded "finger test" where my dad would run his fingers through my hair and would usually fail to get through without running into knots or tangles. It is this reason – the fear of the "finger test" – that I started using a hairbrush. And for this, I am eternally thankful. And I am sure Jeff is, too.
- I learned to appreciate the outdoors. One evening, my dad took me fishing at a nearby pond in preparation for a fishing trip he was getting ready to go on. It wasn't too long into our adventure when I caught a big one, but had trouble reeling it in. My big, strong dad came to the rescue and instructed me not to move the pole. And I swear I did not move it! But somehow (probably the wind), the pole retracted. The fish got loose, and the lure found a new target...my dad's nose. A few choice profanities left my dad's mouth, and as I am typing this, I realize this is probably where I inherited my sailor mouth from (another valuable lesson). We drove home, and my dad instructed me not to tell my mom. And I didn't. I follow instructions, obviously. But she found out somehow (probably that motherly instinct) and proceeded to freak out. Luckily, my dad got the lure out without any major damage. We have not gone fishing since, but I will always appreciate the experience!
- I learned to love horror films. One of my earliest memories is sneaking downstairs way after my bedtime to sit in my dad's lap and watch Tales from the Crypt. I am not sure that I really understood what was happening in the show, but it was fun to defy my mom's rules and sit in my dad's lap a little bit longer. I have one of the seasons on DVD now (a Christmas gift from my dad, or course), but Jeff refuses to watch it. It is times like these that I wish I was a little girl again and could sit in my dad's lap watching the Crypt Keeper.

In all seriousness, my dad is one of the funniest guys I know. Now that is not to say that he doesn't drive me crazy sometimes, but what dad doesn't drive their daughter crazy. I consider myself very lucky to have a dad who supports me, is always there when I need him and loves me unconditionally. I mean, come on. I hook the guy in the nose with a fishing lure, and he didn't disown me. That is love.
I am not sure if he will read this, but I am positive my mom will tell him all about it. But in the off chance that he does...
I love you so much, Dad! I hope you have a wonderful birthday and a great Father's Day, and I wish I could be there to help you celebrate. I will be sure to have a glass of wine for you tonight!
(Who is your favorite child now?)
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