I have been thinking about jumping on the blogging bandwagon for some time now and finally decided to stop making excuses and just start typing. This past year has been so exciting - I married my best friend (plenty of posts coming your way about this fun topic), Jeff's career is skyrocketing and I am looking for my next big thing - all while living in New York City. I am hoping this blog gives my family and friends (and hopefully potential followers) a glimpse into my life...and those moments that drive me to drink!
Now, don't worry...I am in no need of an intervention, but I do enjoy a glass of wine or two. And before my mom can ask why I chose to title my blog, "Another Glass Of Wine, Please," I thought I would explain it here in my first post. Jeff and I can most often always find a reason to have one extra glass of wine with dinner. Whether we are celebrating his most recent promotion, getting over a hard day or simply happy for Friday nights when we get to order our favorite pizza, we usually count on wine to do the trick. AGOWP will document those moments that call for another glass of wine - some happy, some frustrating, some downright crazy, but always better after that glass of wine!
love it cousin! great writing talent :)