Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dear NYC

Before I start my story, I must explain this new thing I have decided to do. My mom is constantly asking me to devote a post about my life in New York, but there is so much to talk about that I can't devote just one post to these experiences. So I have decided to start a "column" called Dear NYC, which will address all of the moments that make me love New York and the ones that drive me crazy. This is the first Dear NYC post...enjoy!

Dear NYC,

You are freakin' hot. If I wanted to deal with scorching heat, I would move back to Texas. And I understand it is so much hotter there, but at least I can hop into an air conditioned car instead of walking or standing in a humid subway station. Yes, I know we have taxis, but their air conditioning is never working.

The heat really became a problem yesterday when I was heading to the final interview for my dream job. Preparing for the meeting, I felt good. And I looked good. I was wearing a light brown (the exact color is toasted almond) dress that made me feel powerful. With my portfolio and heels in my tote (because I am not that stupid to walk in this city in heels), I left ready to nail the interview. About 5 minutes into my walk to the subway, I realized why everyone in NYC wears black - because sweat shows through toasted almond clothing! Crap. Way to make a good impression. "Hi! It is so nice to meet you. Please excuse my excessive sweating."

There aren't many ways to cool down in a subway station. You find yourself looking forward to when the train zooms by so you can feel the draft. And that is exactly what I did. I got as close to the track as I could without risking my life and enjoyed every second of that brief breeze. Luckily, the trains are bordering on freezing during the summer, and by the time I arrived to my interview, I was back to feeling good. And....


I am so excited to start this new venture in my career. Needless to say, I am definitely drinking another glass of wine tonight!

NYC, you may be a pain in the behind when commuting in undesirable weather conditions, but thank you for the amazing opportunities you have given me. I will also make sure not to wear the toasted almond dress when it is above 85ยบ.

Your greatest resident,


  1. CONGRATS!!! I am so excited for you! When do you start?

  2. Robin,
    I do know how you feel! Not because I live in NYC but because I live in California where they belive that the ocean breeze is enough to cool down your home! Well let me tell you CA it isnt! And not having AC or even a swamp cooler makes things especially toasty, even more so when you have little babies that want to be stuck to your body all day:) Last summer we lived blocks from the beach and it would get over 90 degrees in my sons ocean breeze in sight! This summer we are even closer so I'm hoping for a differnt outcome! Good luck with the heat ANd congrats on the new dream job!

  3. Megan, I start on Tuesday. It is so soon, but I am so ready to start working again!

    Misha, I hope you catch some of that breeze in your new home! How is everything going? Remington is getting so big, and he is so adorable!

  4. Hip hip Hooray! You're such a freaking trooper. I heart you and your career success mucho! If it makes you feel any better, it was in the triple digits in Dallas all last week. SICK. Miss you!

  5. Yes, yes, yes!!! I knew you got the job last week, but I wanted to post a message to tell you how freakin excited I am for you :) If you could pick up a Nikon D80 and send it to San Jose, CA that would be swell.
